Physical Education

In an effort to provide the best environment for safe and successful learning, parents need to make sure their children dress properly for P.E.
- Students should be wearing athletic shoes with socks. NO flip flops, Tevas, Keens, Uggs, boots, Shape Ups, slip-ons or skateboard shoes.
- Shoelaces (or straps) must be tied tightly!!
- Students need to be in comfortable clothing - shorts, swats, etc. Jeans, skirts, and dresses ARE NOT to be worn for P.E.
Student Injuries & Illness:
Students need to bring a note from a parent/guardian if they are unable to participate. This note is only valid for one week of P.E. classes. If more time is needed to heal, a note from a doctor is required. It is our belief that while an injury/illness may prevent a child from doing ALL activities during P.E. class, there are many activities in which they can still participate with some modifications. Thus, all notes to the P.E. Teacher should include:
- Date
- Specific injury or illness
- Specific activities child is not allowed to participate in
- Parents signature and phone number