TK & Kindergarten Info
Meet Our Team:
Meet Our Team:![]()
Meet Our Team:
- Karen Boyle / Kayla Tan- TK AM
- Mary Roy - TK PM
- Katie Robinson - Kinder
- Margaret Roberson - Kinder
- Nicolina Priess - Kinder
A-Z of Kindergarten Readiness (PDF)
Back To School Night on August 10th from 6pm to 7pm
Welcome to Transitional Kindergarten / Kindergarten at Green Valley! We will start the year by encouraging students to listen and follow directions. "Good manners" and "good friends" will be important topics!
In our TK / Kindergarten class:
- We share everything.
- We play fair and take turns.
- We are kind to one another. Friends are important and worth keeping.
- We listen to one another. When we're working on a problem, two heads are better than one.
- We put things back where they go.
- We tell people how we feel about the things we do.
- We exercise our bodies every day. It helps us feel better and makes us ready to learn.
- We have people read to us every day. It opens the world to us.
- We experiment with writing. It will help us to remember things.
- We sing, dance and draw pictures. It makes learning fun.
- We look everywhere. We talk to one another. We notice things.
- We take care of our classroom.
Your child should go directly to the Kindergarten yard. However children should not be on campus alone before 8:10 am because there is no supervision in the Kindergarten yard until that time. Please stay with your child until supervision arrives at 8:15 am. When the bell rings your child will line up outside their classroom.
Drop off and Pick Up Procedures Please Refer to Student Handbook
At dismissal, the teacher will walk the children outside the front gate and stay with them until their parent or child care arrives. Kids' Country will pick up outside the gate as well. Please be prompt in picking up :)
Please send a healthy snack and drink to school with your child every day; even if they say they don’t want it.

All supplies to begin the year in Kindergarten have been purchased (thank you PTA and Learning Fund!) For the remainder of the year we will ask for a donation to supplement the consumable supplies that we use, and to cover the cost of the Kindergarten tote bags and “Student of the Week Book”.
All supplies to begin the year in Transitional Kindergarten have been purchased (thank you PTA and Learning Fund!) For the remainder of the year we will ask for a donation to supplement the consumable supplies that we use, and to cover the cost of the TK tote bags and the Alphabet Book that we have printed.
More Information coming soon!
If you would like to Volunteer, please make sure to sign up to Be A Mentor. Please look for it under the tab for Parents. There are several levels of volunteering that each need to be addressed if you wish to be in a classroom, on our playground, or helping with field trips. Unless you are in the system and approved you may not volunteer.