Welcome to 5th grade! As a fifth grader, your child will have a variety of learning experiences that are fun-filled, yet rigorous, in math, reading, social studies, and writing.
In Science for 4th and 5th grade, we are Celebrating Scientists!
Students can research scientists on kiddle.co and then write down a fact they learned about the scientist, write a paragraph, draw a picture of them or what they're famous for, or write an acrostic poem. We celebrated scientists with ADHD, like Albert Einstein and Alexander Graham Bell. For September we are celebrating Hispanic and Latino/a scientists like Mario J. Molina, Ellen Ochoa, Ynes Mexia, and France A. Córdova.
Here are a few extras we are recommending:
- A box of Tissues
- An individual supply of hand sanitizer
- Clorox Wipes
- Earbuds/ headphones
- Pencil boxes
Your child should go directly to the playground after hanging his/her backpack on the hooks outside the classroom. After the bell rings, your child will line up according to their classroom number. Their teacher will then meet their class on the blacktop and walk them back to the classroom.
At the end of our school day your child will be dismissed directly from their classroom. Those children who are Kids Country attendees, will walk to either location alone or with another friend (if that is what you have arranged). Bus riders are walked to the front of school. If you are picking your child up from the classroom, you may wait for them in the courtyard outside their classroom or have them meet you out at the back parking lot. If you are late picking up your child, they will be waiting for you in the school office.
There are two recesses each day: one in the morning and one in the afternoon. 5th Graders eat lunch a little later than grades 1-3, so we recommend that they remember to bring a healthy snack to eat at our first recess. 5th Graders can bring their lunch from home or pick up a free Grab and Go Meal available for all students!

Sapna Bahl, chair of GV's health and wellness committee, as well as accomplished nutritionist and food blogger, has provided us with some healthy lunch ideas for our kiddos. Check it out!
Please note that homework is assigned 4 nights a week and is an important expectation in fifth grade. Although daily reading with your child is good practice and can be recorded on their monthly reading log, which is sent home with students.

Welcome to Los Cerros incoming 6th Graders! (PPTX)