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4th Grade Info

Meet Our Team:

Meet Our Team:

  • Leann Alexander
  • Julie Ouye
  • Lori Ransdell
  • Elisa Merrifield 
Welcome to 4th grade! Fourth grade is an exciting year of elementary school, as our students become a part of the upper grade culture of Green Valley.
This is the year when learning opportunities expand critical thinking skills in reading and writing. Our students will also be immersed in learning through thematic units based on California’s rich history.


In Science for 4th and 5th grade, we are Celebrating Scientists!
Students can research scientists on and then write down a fact they learned about the scientist, write a paragraph, draw a picture of them or what they're famous for, or write an acrostic poem. All forms of expression are welcomed and it is optional!
In August, we celebrated scientists with ADHD, like Albert Einstein and Alexander Graham Bell. For September we are celebrating Hispanic and Latino/a scientists like Mario J. Molina, Ellen Ochoa, Ynes Mexia, and France A. Córodova.


Suggested - 
* Clorox Wipes
* Personal Hand Sanitizer for student desks (1-2 fl oz.)
* Eraser (Example: Paper Mate Pink Pearl)
* Earbuds/Headphones


Your child should go directly to the playground after hanging his/her backpack on the hooks outside the classroom. After the bell rings, your child will line up according to their classroom number. Their teacher will then meet their class on the blacktop and walk them back to the classroom.
Drop off and Pick Up Procedures(PDF)


At the end of our school day your child will be dismissed directly from their classroom. Those children who are Kids Country attendees, will walk to either location alone or with another friend (if that is what you have arranged). Bus riders are walked to the front of school. If you are picking your child up from the classroom, you may wait for them in the courtyard outside their classroom or have them meet you out at the back parking lot. If you are late picking up your child, they will be waiting for you in the school office.


There are two recesses each day: one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  4th Graders eat a little later than the grades below, so we recommend that they remember to bring a healthy snack to eat at our first recess. 4th graders can bring their lunch from home or pick up a free Grab and Go Meal available for all students!
     healthy.     grab and go


Our students will have nightly homework. You will notice an assignment book coming home each day. This is where homework and important notes are recorded daily by the students. This will come home every evening and should, without fail, come back to school every morning. This is a big deal, and we will do our best to communicate this to the students during the first week of school. Please do the same at home. Also, please be sure to review the assignment book every evening so that you are aware of the homework assigned as well as any important notes recorded in the book. Thank you for your help!

4th Grade!


More Information coming soon!
If you would like to Volunteer, please make sure to sign up to Be A Mentor.  Please look for it under the tab for Parents.  There are several levels of volunteering that each need to be addressed if you wish to be in a classroom, on our playground, or helping with field trips. Unless you are in the system and approved you may not volunteer.
live love 4th grade



Welcome to 4th Grade

4th Grade arrow







Take advantage of the “Every Kid in a Park” initiative for all fourth grade students and their families. It is a national program that allows any fourth grade student and their family enter ALL national parks free of charge. Click the button below for more information.